Learn Arabic in Amman: Arabic Language Immersion Programme

Education Nations Institute® provides high quality, comprehensive Arabic language courses for non-Arabic speakers; covering all the different language levels (Elementary, Upper Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, and Advanced). This Arabic Language Immersion Programme utilizes academic, interactive and experiential development language education, which foresees foreign students immersed in the culture and day-to-day life of Jordanian communities through actual and constructive dialogue with a variety of local communities. Our Arabic Immersion programme is primarily distinguished from others in the market by integrating actual site visits and volunteering activities for students with a variety of local community organizations. This unique component helps foster and develop what has been taught in the classroom during the week. Common sites include eco-tourism attractions, rural women empowerment projects, refugee camps and university learning clubs. Consequently, unique language development skills are acquired in a modern, fruitful and fun approach.

Our institute provides learning for two different Arabic dialects:

1.     Classical Formal Arabic
2.     Modern Informal Arabic (Colloquial)

Once a student registers, he/she will be scheduled to sit down for an Arabic language placement/assessment test. Afterwards, based on the results, each student will be assigned to the appropriate course level. Our institute provides a range of 11 progressive Arabic courses that follow the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. 

Programme Details

The length of each Arabic language course is one month, where students attend a total of 20 sessions during a 4 week period (four hours for five days a week), thus a total of 80 teaching hours are delivered per month for each course. Once students pass each level, they can then progress and register with the next level course. Add to that, our language development is delivered utilizing a variety of different language learning approaches; leveraging existing language resources that aim to sustain the learning impact, allow for improved linguistic proficiency and enhanced language acquisition through:

- Primary class education
- In class collaborative activities for improved pronunciation
- Labeling and video sessions for increased vocabulary
- Art drawing workshops
- Face to face verbal interaction through weekly site visits with university students and members of the society (Youth at refugee camps, women empowerment projects, rural development sites, eco-tourism sites within the Jordan Valley, Jerash Colosseum and Ajloun Castle), which improves language proficiency, in addition to creating a whole new adventure experience.

To sum up, we believe that our institute's language programmes are primarily distinguished by:

- Our top notch, experienced language tutors and instructors.
- Our immersive language activities in collaboration with local community organizations/enterprises, cultural workshops, eco-tour sites and volunteering students.
- Our role in hosting a variety of local events, which engage foreign students in dialogue with locals.
- Our diversity in delivering and training students using the 2 different Arabic language dialects; Formal (Fus'ha) and Informal (Colloquial).
- Our competitive tuition/ course prices.
- Our convenient location, accessibility and modern/spacious learning facility.
- Close to modern, accessible and affordable accommodation.
- Free shuttle transportation from and to Queen Alia International Airport - Amman.

To register, click the below link and fill out the registration form on the top right side.