Education Nations Institute® is a cross cutting Non Governmental Organization (NGO); providing top tier training and development courses targeting youth and Micro-Small -Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Our institute's mission is to foster education, empower youth and women, catalyze entrepreneurship and build technical growth capacity for Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Headquartered in the heart of Amman, we bring together over 15 years of experience within the education and  training fields. Our institute perpetually strives to partner with academic institutions, government bodies, non-profit organizations (NGOs), community based organizations (CBOs) and private sector corporations. In efforts to deliver the needed growth and development programmes; we deploy top notch, innovative and result driven educational and vocational training approaches. Moreover, our training and educational services consists of a variety of themes and sectors including: 

- Languages
- Technology
- Soft Skills
- Environment, Climate Change & Green Economy

Add to that, our institute provides a multitude of consultation & advisory services focusing on:

- Economic Development & Growth
- Financial Management & Literacy
- Green Finance and Circular Economy
- Digital Marketing, Communication & Outreach
- Professional English-Arabic translation

Among the main advantages distinguishing our institute is our hand in hand educational, training and social mission, combined with our unique educational approach that relies on modern and innovative learning and training methodologies such as Education Technology (EdTech), cutting edge curricula, interactive applied activities, direct hands on training workshops.